Subscriptions and Vouchers

For insurance purposes all mounted followers must be members of the Countryside Alliance. Click here for more information on the benefits of membership.


– 26-30 yrs
– 19-25 yrs
– 15-18 yrs
– Under 14 yrs
– Lead Rein

– Book of 6
– Book of 10


Benefits of A Full Subscriber

  • 1 free guest pass per season. The Hunt Secretary must be informed of their intention to bring a guest prior to the day’s hunting.
  • No field money for Autumn Hunting
  • Invitations to hunt social events
  • Listed in the green book as a subscriber and will recieve a copy
  • Vote at the AGM

*  Families hunting under a Family Subscription are asked to submit the names and ages of those hunting under their subscription, children need to be under the age of 18, along with their payment.

To Subscribe

All subscriptions are due before the Opening Meet. Please contact the Field Secretary, Julie Steptoe, to return your completed subscription form and to confirm you have paid.

Julie Steptoe
Email: fieldsecretary -at- tedworthhunt -dot- co -dot- uk

Cheques made payable to the ‘Tedworth Hunt’.

BACS can be paid to the ‘Tedworth Hunt’, Sort Code 30-92-63, Account Number 01783824. Please include your name and subscription as the reference.

The Hunt’s financial year begins 1st May. Payment of subscriptions as close to this as possible is of huge benefit in the running of the Hunt and is greatly appreciated.

Hunt Subscribers and Voucher Holders are required to be members of the Countryside Alliance. Your CA membership number must be submitted when you subscribe. Membership of the Tedworth Hunt Supporters Club is encouraged and much appreciated.

Autumn Hunting

Field money for mounted hound exercise and Autumn Hunting will be £25 for adults and £10 for under 18’s.

Click here to apply online


Children are welcome at all of the Tedworth Hunt meets but we also hold several Children’s Meets during the season. All children under 14 years must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for the child throughout the hunting day. All members or their parents must be members of the Countryside Alliance for insurance purposes; membership is free for children. 

Those parents who are unable to accompany their child should email Julie Steptoe at fieldsecretary -at- tedworthhunt -dot- co -dot- uk who will be able to help you find a suitable chaperone for the day. If you are sending your child out unaccompanied please follow on foot so that you are on hand in case of problems. Please make sure your child has an emergency contact number in their pocket, a snack and their cap.

There is a 25% discount on all subscriptions for Tedworth Pony Club Members.