
When you first start out hunting there is no requirement to dress correctly, although you should be aiming to be tidy and inconspicuous. 

Most importantly the clothes you wear while hunting should be safe and tidy. We have listed our recommendations below as a guide.  

Autumn Hunting dress code

  • Tweed hacking jacket, shirt and tie or coloured stock, and buff, tan or rust jodhpurs
  • Brown or black riding boots made of rubber or leather – children can wear paddock boots and half chaps
  • Brown or black gloves
  • Dark coloured approved safety helmet or riding hat
  • A back protector is optional but highly recommended for children

Formal Season dress code

  • Plain black, dark blue or tweed hacking jacket, and buff, tan or white jodhpurs
  • White or cream stock for adults – children can wear a stock or a tie.  
  • Black rubber or leather riding boots – children can wear paddock boots and half chaps. 
  • White, brown or black gloves
  • Black or blue covered safety helmet or riding hat
  • A back protector is optional but highly recommended for children 
A Hunt Meet

Hair & jewellery: Always have your hair tied up and in a hairnet if long. It is strongly advised to take off all jewellery especially earrings which can get caught up in branches.

Other tips: Dress for the weather! If it’s cold wear tights underneath your breeches and thick socks. If you are hunting regularly it is a good investment to spend money on a specially made hunting coat as this will help keep out the cold and wet. Feel free to wear a rain coat if it is really pouring. 

Turnout for horses & ponies

All horses and ponies should be neatly turned out, fit enough and well shod. 

Plaiting: During Autumn Hunting it is not necessary to plait your horse or pony. During the main season most horses and some ponies are plaited, but it isn’t mandatory

Young/inexperienced horses: It is advisable to tie a green ribbon in a young or inexperienced horse’s tail to warn people not to crowd you in the field. 

Horses that kick: If your horse kicks then you must tie a red ribbon into the tail to warn other members of the field. Keep out at the back of the field and stay away from hounds and other horses. 

If you are riding you must feel confident that you can control your horse at all paces. Most of our hunt jumps are around 2’ 9” and made of timber. If you don’t feel confident jumping there are normally alternative routes round, and at some meets we have a designated non-jumping field master.  

If you or your horse have never hunted before then Autumn Hunting provides a good introduction. 

For meet information please contact the Secretary on secretary -at- tedworthhunt -dot- co -dot- uk