Marcus Good
Chairman. Marcus Good is the Tedworth Hunt’s new Chairman as of the 2021/22 season and has hunted with the Tedworth over 10 years along with his daughters who are all keen hunters who enjoy crossing all types of country including our lovely hedges and timber fences.
Marcus has successfully ran the 200 Club which brings in a sizeable donation to the hunt and has hosted the plant sale, has been in charge of parking at our fun rides, the list of Marcus’s talents and support to the hunt is endless! We look forward to see him take on the big shoes our previous Chairman Hannah Sykes has left after 7 years as chair.
Julie Steptoe
Field Secretary. Julie has taken over as Field Secretary from Rachel Butterworth and administers the subscriptions and patrons. She has hunted with the Tedworth for over 10 years along with her husband who all feel very much a part of the Tedworth family.
Caroline Kelly
Administration Secretary. Caroline is the Admin Secretary for the Tedworth Hunt, Caroline also enjoys team chasing in the spring and autumn months with her ex-race horses: Oscar and Booty as well as out hunting regularly, Caroline also sets up all the fun rides in the off season
William Ledger
William joins the committee as Treasurer at the start of the 2021/22 season, working in the financial sector William is well placed to help the hunt manage the finances.
William is a keen hunter and is often seen out with his wife, daughters and son which is a lovely sight to see the whole family enjoying themselves.